Micromoney Myanmar - Yangon
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Company name
Micromoney Myanmar
Yangon, Myanmar
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Company description
MicroMoney is a revolutionary way to bring 2.5 billion unbanked and underserved people into the global decentralized crypto economy. Did you know that more than 2.5 billion people around the world are using only cash and are suffering and struggling without access to modern banking services? Furthermore, getting a loan for them is a huge challenge, since they do not have any credit histories. The situation is not getting easier, but we, the proponents of a decentralized global economy, have found the solution!
MicroMoney is an open source credit and big data bureau on the blockchain, with risk scoring by AI of decentralized neural networks that is unstoppable. We provide a multi-purpose digital identity and the ability to build creditworthiness and reputation for 2.5 billion underserved and untapped people without borders or intermediaries.
MicroMoney is an open source credit and big data bureau on the blockchain, with risk scoring by AI of decentralized neural networks that is unstoppable. We provide a multi-purpose digital identity and the ability to build creditworthiness and reputation for 2.5 billion underserved and untapped people without borders or intermediaries.
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