SKYBIT - Yangon, Myanmar

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Yangon, Myanmar
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Company description
SKYBIT is a social enterprise incorporated in Singapore that uses blockchain technology to provide a modern financial bridge between Southeast Asian countries and the rest of the world. The current difficulty of sending money internationally has isolated people and businesses in Southeast Asia from the rest of the world, preventing the region from advancing and developing. SKYBIT's solution is to use digital assets that can be sent and received quickly and easily, no matter the recipient's location. This will open up a wealth of new opportunities for Southeast Asian countries and their people, as well as help them meet their national development plans and the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

SKYBIT's core mission is to make a positive difference to the region and its people through  
Show more the use of innovative technologies. We believe in open-mindedness, lateral thinking, and creative ideas that can address real problems and improve efficiency. We will disrupt the status quo in order to better the lives of everyone in Southeast Asia.

At SKYBIT, we are laying the groundwork for the upcoming paradigm shift of individual empowerment via freely-flowing global value exchange. With the help of cutting-edge technologies, we can revolutionize entire industries and create new ones in Southeast Asia. This will help to economically strengthen the region and raise the standards of living of its society. Join us in our mission to make Southeast Asia a better place for all. The possibilities are endless.


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