Faber Castell - Myanmar
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Company name
Faber Castell
No.48, Latha St, Latha, Yangon, Myanmar
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Questions & Answers
Dear Sirs
I work here in myanmar as s volounteer for „sonne international“ childrens help projekt in south dagon. We run three schools wirh about 100 children. This kids live in the slums of south dagon and are from homeless parents - verry poor.
My question now to faber castell. Is its possible that faber castell donate watercoulor pencils for this children? Or a good discount because our NGO is small and we have not much money.
If you go on the internet you find sonne international information also in english. And we are also on FB.
Please transfer this mail to the managemant so they can get information about us.
We would be verry happy if faber castell would help us.
Iris Kuster
I work here in myanmar as s volounteer for „sonne international“ childrens help projekt in south dagon. We run three schools wirh about 100 children. This kids live in the slums of south dagon and are from homeless parents - verry poor.
My question now to faber castell. Is its possible that faber castell donate watercoulor pencils for this children? Or a good discount because our NGO is small and we have not much money.
If you go on the internet you find sonne international information also in english. And we are also on FB.
Please transfer this mail to the managemant so they can get information about us.
We would be verry happy if faber castell would help us.
Iris Kuster
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