Myanmar C.P Livestock Co.,Ltd - Myanmar
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Myanmar C.P Livestock Co.,Ltd
No.135, Pyay St, 8 1/2 Mile, Mayangone, Myanmar
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Questions & Answers
I am planning to start CP pig raising project in Southern Shan near Taunggyi. Before starting, I would like know more information about the cost for breeders and feeds, etc., and also benefits from it.
Therefore, it will be highly appreciated if you could kindly send me such kind of information.
Thanks in advance,
Therefore, it will be highly appreciated if you could kindly send me such kind of information.
Thanks in advance,
Dear Sir,
How many branches and employees,do your company have?
I need it for my school assignment.
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How many branches and employees,do your company have?
I need it for my school assignment.
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