A1 Construction Co., Ltd. - Myanmar
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Company name
A1 Construction Co., Ltd.
No.41, Nawaday St, Alfa Hotel Bldg, Dagon, Yangon, Myanmar
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Working hours
- Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
- Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
- Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
- Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
- Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
- Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
Welcome to A1 Group! My name is Yan Win. Thank you for your interest in A1. Please let me have this opportunity to introduce you briefly about A1.
A1 was founded as a privately held construction company in 1990 together with the rise of demand in construction industry. Today A1 is proud to be recognized as one of the leading and largest construction companies in Myanmar.
Our outstanding reputations in the field of city and land development have been attributed to the company’s dedication for excellence. It has been made possible by our workforce of professional and experienced administrative staff, engineers, architects, planners, and labor.
As part of our commitment in providing high quality and advance engineering, our company personnel are constantly given training to keep
Our expertise has spanned from minor renovations to multimillion dollar projects. For this, A1 has earned a strong trust from our various clients due to our ability to deliver quality construction, promptness in meeting deadlines, completion of projects, and customer satisfaction.
Furthermore, A1 has gained momentum and success in construction as we have built mutual trust and benefits between clients and partners. Due to our success and financial security, we have expanded our business sectors in the fields of mining, hotel and resorts, trade and manufacturing. We are constantly striving towards maintaining a vision to invest and promote excellent services in the many sectors our company has ventured into.
A1 was founded as a privately held construction company in 1990 together with the rise of demand in construction industry. Today A1 is proud to be recognized as one of the leading and largest construction companies in Myanmar.
Our outstanding reputations in the field of city and land development have been attributed to the company’s dedication for excellence. It has been made possible by our workforce of professional and experienced administrative staff, engineers, architects, planners, and labor.
As part of our commitment in providing high quality and advance engineering, our company personnel are constantly given training to keep
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up with the trends of modern technology and construction. In addition, we actively participate in engineering and technology societies, and contribute to those areas.Our expertise has spanned from minor renovations to multimillion dollar projects. For this, A1 has earned a strong trust from our various clients due to our ability to deliver quality construction, promptness in meeting deadlines, completion of projects, and customer satisfaction.
Furthermore, A1 has gained momentum and success in construction as we have built mutual trust and benefits between clients and partners. Due to our success and financial security, we have expanded our business sectors in the fields of mining, hotel and resorts, trade and manufacturing. We are constantly striving towards maintaining a vision to invest and promote excellent services in the many sectors our company has ventured into.
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