Radanar Ayar Rural Development Association - Bogale, Myanmar
Radanar Ayar Rural Development Association
1 Review
Radanar Ayar Rural Development AssociationNo-40, Bogyoke Aung Sann Road, Ward-5, Bogalay045-45837https://www.myanmaryp.com/img/mm/a/_1396697639_32720.jpg
- Verified
Listing - +13Years
With Us
Company name
Radanar Ayar Rural Development Association
No-40, Bogyoke Aung Sann Road, Ward-5, Bogalay, Bogale, Ayeyarwady, Myanmar
Contact number
Mobile phone
+95(45) 45 83 7
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 09:00 to 18:00
- Tuesday: 09:00 to 18:00
- Wednesday: 09:00 to 18:00
- Thursday: 09:00 to 18:00
- Friday: 09:00 to 18:00
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Thura Aung| Director of Programme | thuraaung@radanarayar.orgEstablishment year
16-25Registration code
2031VAT registration
2031E-mail address
Company description
Radanar Ayar Rural Development Association is a register charity by guarantee, registered in England and Wales with number 5029847 and a charity registered in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar with charity number 2031 and Transparency Register at the European Union and the European Parliament with limited register number 64944756459-08. Its registered office is 40-Bogyoke Aung Sann Road, Ward-5, Bogalay 10231 |Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
In the aftermath of Nargis, the group who would later go on to establish Radanar Ayar used their own resources to help affected farmers in the cyclone-devastated areas. These include rice millers and rice traders who are also private philanthropists.
Radanar Ayar Association was first founded as a sister-organization of Myanmar Rice Industry
Development of Agricultural Productivity
Development of Livestock Breeding and Fisheries
Development of Rural Small-Scale Productivity
Development of Micro-Saving and Credit Associations
Development of cooperative Tasks
Development of Rural Socio-Economy
Rural Energy
Environmental conservation
It is critical to Improve local food security and rural development focus by investing in agricultural productivity, infrastructure, social protection and the opening of markets is one of the ten development objectives for the development assistance program. Food security underpins all other development, as without it food insecure populations priorities on food and sustaining their own lives and those of their families over everything else. Radanar Ayar’s approach to food security is centered on increasing the availability of food through production and improving trade, while also increasing the poor’s ability to access food.
Radanar Ayar has prioritized three pillars to improve outcomes in food security:
Lifting agricultural productivity through agricultural research and development
Improving rural livelihoods by strengthening markets and market access
Building community resilience by supporting the establishment and improvement of social protection programs.
These three pillars aim to increase the food available in markets and poor households and increase the incomes and employment opportunities of poor men and women. Food security expenditure is expected to grow strongly over the next few years, particularly in delta. Results in achieving better food security outcomes include reducing the number of people living on less than USD 1 a day, reducing the number of people suffering from hunger and achieving opportunities for full and productive employment. Radanar Ayar Missions involves in poverty alleviations and rural economy development based on agriculture. Radanar Ayar founded aftermath of Nargis storm relief operations and mandatory actions for disaster managements of both disaster preparedness and response actions.
Lining Responses, Relief and Resettlements to Development (LRRD) is the mission of Radanar Ayar’s Programme. Accountability and learning is one of the Radanar Ayar’s missions that initiated to support CSO [1]movements in country programme. Public and Private Partnerships (PPP)[2] is our development concept that ensure for cooperate social responsibility (CSR) to private sector. Organisation set out the private linkage regulations and follows the international laws and conventions of the United Nations. Radanar Ayar tries for the General Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Section under the United Nations System.
In the aftermath of Nargis, the group who would later go on to establish Radanar Ayar used their own resources to help affected farmers in the cyclone-devastated areas. These include rice millers and rice traders who are also private philanthropists.
Radanar Ayar Association was first founded as a sister-organization of Myanmar Rice Industry
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Association. It subsequently registered as a not-for-profit, non-religious, non-political and non-partisan organisation in 2010. Radanar Ayar works in the thematic areas of Basic and Non-Formal Education, Basic Health Care Services, Environment and Climate Change, Agricultural Livelihoods and Rural Poverty Reductions. Radanar Ayar Association is active in all eight priorities of the Government of the Republic of Union of Myanmar’s Eight Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation Plan, which is set in the areas of;Development of Agricultural Productivity
Development of Livestock Breeding and Fisheries
Development of Rural Small-Scale Productivity
Development of Micro-Saving and Credit Associations
Development of cooperative Tasks
Development of Rural Socio-Economy
Rural Energy
Environmental conservation
It is critical to Improve local food security and rural development focus by investing in agricultural productivity, infrastructure, social protection and the opening of markets is one of the ten development objectives for the development assistance program. Food security underpins all other development, as without it food insecure populations priorities on food and sustaining their own lives and those of their families over everything else. Radanar Ayar’s approach to food security is centered on increasing the availability of food through production and improving trade, while also increasing the poor’s ability to access food.
Radanar Ayar has prioritized three pillars to improve outcomes in food security:
Lifting agricultural productivity through agricultural research and development
Improving rural livelihoods by strengthening markets and market access
Building community resilience by supporting the establishment and improvement of social protection programs.
These three pillars aim to increase the food available in markets and poor households and increase the incomes and employment opportunities of poor men and women. Food security expenditure is expected to grow strongly over the next few years, particularly in delta. Results in achieving better food security outcomes include reducing the number of people living on less than USD 1 a day, reducing the number of people suffering from hunger and achieving opportunities for full and productive employment. Radanar Ayar Missions involves in poverty alleviations and rural economy development based on agriculture. Radanar Ayar founded aftermath of Nargis storm relief operations and mandatory actions for disaster managements of both disaster preparedness and response actions.
Lining Responses, Relief and Resettlements to Development (LRRD) is the mission of Radanar Ayar’s Programme. Accountability and learning is one of the Radanar Ayar’s missions that initiated to support CSO [1]movements in country programme. Public and Private Partnerships (PPP)[2] is our development concept that ensure for cooperate social responsibility (CSR) to private sector. Organisation set out the private linkage regulations and follows the international laws and conventions of the United Nations. Radanar Ayar tries for the General Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Section under the United Nations System.
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Listed in categories
Products & Services 3
- Certified Rice SeedHsin Thwe Latt, Yadanar Toe, Paw San Bay Gyar, Hnan Gar, Shw...
- Transfering TechnologiesAdvance GAP and Scientific Technology
- Farming MachineryAdvising and Supporting Farming Machinery for Farmers
Employees 2
Thura Aung U
Director of ProgrammeOffice: +95(9) 49 59 04 46,49 59 04 47,49 59 04 48 HP: +95(9) 73 17 26 19
Zaw Htet Aung U
Programme AssociateOffice: +95(9) 49 59 04 46,49 59 04 47,49 59 04 48 HP: +95(9) 40 27 91 807
Radanar Ayar Rural Development AssociationNo-40, Bogyoke Aung Sann Road, Ward-5, Bogalay045-45837https://www.myanmaryp.com/img/mm/a/_1396697639_32720.jpg
Excellent effort and non profit civil society for rural poor. I support them.
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