Yangon Orthopaedic Hospital - Myanmar

Yangon Orthopaedic Hospital
  • Verified
Hospital name
Yangon Orthopaedic Hospital
132 Hantharwaddy Rd. Sanchaung Tsp Yangon, Myanmar
Contact number
Working hours
  • Monday: 24 hours
  • Tuesday: 24 hours
  • Wednesday: 24 hours
  • Thursday: 24 hours
  • Friday: 24 hours
  • Saturday: 24 hours
  • Sunday: 24 hours
Company description
Yangon Orthopaedic Hospital in Myanmar is one of the most renowned and well-known hospitals in the country for orthopaedic care. It provides comprehensive orthopaedic services in the form of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and surgical care. The hospital has a team of highly experienced and specialized orthopaedic physicians, nurses, physical therapists, and other healthcare professionals who are dedicated to providing the highest quality of care to their patients. The hospital is equipped with advanced medical equipment and technology to ensure the best outcomes for their patients. In addition, the hospital also provides a wide range of services, such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and sports medicine. With its excellent team of professionals, Yangon Orthopaedic  
Show more Hospital is committed to providing the highest quality of orthopaedic care, allowing patients to recover quickly and safely from their orthopaedic ailments. With its outstanding commitment to patient care, Yangon Orthopaedic Hospital is the perfect choice for anyone in need of orthopaedic care in Myanmar.
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Questions & Answers

What is the distance walking in time and Km from hospital to the Best Western Hotel, Chinatown, and the Hotel Grand United, Chinatown? I am coming to the hospital in January for teaching purposes and am trying to decide where to stay. Thanks.
When was the Yangon Orthopeadic Hosppital established and started running?
I come from Switzerland. I want to pay for an orthopaedic surgery for a 3 year old girl with Deformation of legs. Can you help me to organize this?
Tank you for a contact adress and a short answer.

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