Myanmar Brightkidz (International Preschool) - Yangon
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Listing - +8Years
With Us
School name
Myanmar Brightkidz (International Preschool)
58 Khaymar Thi Road (Near Oakkala Circle Bus), North Okkalapa Township, Yangon, Myanmar
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Working hours
- Monday: 09:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Tuesday: 09:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Wednesday: 09:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Thursday: 09:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Friday: 09:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Alvin PehEstablishment year
11-15E-mail address
Company description
We, at Brightkidz, believe that our programs and services offer developmental and environmental appropriate curricula. We strive to enhance social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth in young children. Our program fosters curiosity, creativity and self-esteem by taking into account children’s abilities and interests. Child initiated and teacher supported play is an essential component of our program.
Our teachers encourage children to use critical thinking and problem solving skills in their daily experiences. The classroom environment is carefully designed to reflect the children’s interests and to cultivate positive self-image, independence and interdependence. We foster equal opportunity in learning and education for all children regardless of race, creed, sex,
We provide an environment that is safe yet stimulating, and a curriculum based on Multiple Intelligences that challenges them through creativity, selfchoice and learning through play. Therefore, our program supports the following philosophy about children and their growth: Each child individually learns in different ways, at a different pace, by different approaches and at different ages of maturation.
Positive self-concept develops in children a drive to fulfil their goals, accomplish tasks on their own and cooperate with others and receive positive feelings/feedback from others. Self-disciplined children can direct their efforts towards fulfilment of their goals. Children learn self-discipline through understanding, commitment, and reinforcement. Self-reliance is achieved by allowing children to do as many things for themselves as they are capable of, but keeping in mind new skills.
Our teachers encourage children to use critical thinking and problem solving skills in their daily experiences. The classroom environment is carefully designed to reflect the children’s interests and to cultivate positive self-image, independence and interdependence. We foster equal opportunity in learning and education for all children regardless of race, creed, sex,
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religion, national origin or physical condition. As educators, we believe that all children have a right to respect, regardless of their abilities.We provide an environment that is safe yet stimulating, and a curriculum based on Multiple Intelligences that challenges them through creativity, selfchoice and learning through play. Therefore, our program supports the following philosophy about children and their growth: Each child individually learns in different ways, at a different pace, by different approaches and at different ages of maturation.
Positive self-concept develops in children a drive to fulfil their goals, accomplish tasks on their own and cooperate with others and receive positive feelings/feedback from others. Self-disciplined children can direct their efforts towards fulfilment of their goals. Children learn self-discipline through understanding, commitment, and reinforcement. Self-reliance is achieved by allowing children to do as many things for themselves as they are capable of, but keeping in mind new skills.
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