Rent 2 Own(Myanmar) - Yangon
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Company name
Rent 2 Own(Myanmar)
Yangon, Myanmar
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501-1000E-mail address
Company description
Rent2Own is revolutionizing the way people in Myanmar acquire assets. With their tailored rental service, they provide an affordable and flexible option to those who may not have the upfront capital to make a purchase. Their primary mission is to help entrepreneurs, particularly farmers, to acquire the assets they need to grow their business and generate more income.
Rent2Own offers dynamic and adjustable contracts that include maintenance and insurance, and can be terminated early without penalty. Additionally, they provide the option to upgrade or purchase the asset throughout the duration of the agreement. Upon completion of payments, ownership is transferred to the client.
Rent2Own is improving rural mobility and making a lasting impact. With the ability to access transportation,
Rent2Own offers dynamic and adjustable contracts that include maintenance and insurance, and can be terminated early without penalty. Additionally, they provide the option to upgrade or purchase the asset throughout the duration of the agreement. Upon completion of payments, ownership is transferred to the client.
Rent2Own is improving rural mobility and making a lasting impact. With the ability to access transportation,
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kids are able to attend school and receive an education. Farmers are able to sell their products at more distant markets where they can earn a higher price. And those who have found jobs further away can commute with ease.Location map
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