Myanma Supply Co.,Ltd - Yangon, Myanmar
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Company name
Myanma Supply Co.,Ltd
No-244-246, Kon Zay Dan St (Middle), Pabedan, Yangon, Yangon, Myanmar
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Working hours
- Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
- Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
- Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
- Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
- Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
- Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
- Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
Myanmar Supply Company is a limited family concern managed by managing director Mr. Mohamed Ahmed ginwalla and director Mr. Ilyas Ahmed ginwalla respectively. They are the citizens of the union of Myanmar and are owners of extensive landed properties with strong commercial and financial link through Myanmar.
The company was founded in 1950 by late Mr. Ahmed Esoof Ginwalla and it quickly established itself as one of the most successful amongst the few chemical companies at that time. But during the nationalization of all business in Myanmar in 1962 the company had to abruptly cease all foreign affairs and operations. And in 1989, when Myanmar government opened doors for foreign businesses and investments the company re-established itself and now it proudly holds the title of largest
The main line of the company’s businesses are all kinds of chemicals both industrial and laboratory chemicals, fragrances, flavors and essential oil. Currently there are three sales centers and couple of warehouses located in the heart and commercial center of Yangon city and have two large warehouses in prestigious industrial area.
The company was founded in 1950 by late Mr. Ahmed Esoof Ginwalla and it quickly established itself as one of the most successful amongst the few chemical companies at that time. But during the nationalization of all business in Myanmar in 1962 the company had to abruptly cease all foreign affairs and operations. And in 1989, when Myanmar government opened doors for foreign businesses and investments the company re-established itself and now it proudly holds the title of largest
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chemical stockiest of Myanmar.The main line of the company’s businesses are all kinds of chemicals both industrial and laboratory chemicals, fragrances, flavors and essential oil. Currently there are three sales centers and couple of warehouses located in the heart and commercial center of Yangon city and have two large warehouses in prestigious industrial area.
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